Hint: I’m not trying to hide–I write romance novels

I am named after my paternal grandmother. She was Gaylie—Gaylie Belle. My parents, I can only suppose, wanting to update or personalize the name, changed it to Gayelynn. With an “e” in the middle. It’s my name. My everyday name. It was a tribute to my grandmother, whom I do not remember, but who is an integral part of my life.

However, never once, in all of my life, has anyone who is not in my family been able to spell it. At least not the first half dozen tries. Commonly, people struggle to pronounce it and often to remember it. When I embarked on this author’s journey, it didn’t seem ideal to use my name that readers can’t spell, say, or remember easily.

Photo by DNK.PHOTO on Unsplash

So, my decision to use a pen name. Now, as much as I love to find names for my characters, I didn’t want to just choose a pen name at random. I needed to feel comfortable thinking of myself as and answering to my pen name. So, I thought back on my childhood and remembered. For years, my mother called me Gigi.

It really was that easy. I am Gayelynn. I am also Gigi. I am comfortable being both.

My hope is that you can say it, spell it, remember it. Hi I’m Gigi Lynn. I’m a romance author.