Do you read the directions before you begin putting together the furniture or toy?

Someone wrote those patterns or instructions. And chances are good, they knew more than I about that process. So, I always plan to follow the directions.

But then a random thought intrudes. An idea takes root. This costume might look better with a different sleeve and maybe a different neckline. Could I meld these two patterns?

This quilt is lovely. I am going make it, but what if I put a Dresden Plate in the center, you know, make it a medallion quilt?

This recipe looks delicious, but I don’t have (or don’t like) this ingredient. What if I added this instead?

I seem innately unable to follow the directions.

In story writing there is a pattern. Story beats or plot points. There is pacing, three act structure—the list goes on, and on. These things make sense. People who know more than I have researched, noted, and written instructions about how to effectively tell a story. And publishers and agents have long experience to tell them what will sell—what people like to read.

But I have this character who appears in my mind. She (or he) begins her journey. She doesn’t care about plot points or story beats. She just wants what she wants or finds herself in the middle of a mess. As an author I know I need to create that character arc. I need to have a beginning, a middle and an end, but then a random thought intrudes. An idea takes root.

What if?