Love Is The Key

I wrote last time and tried to capture what I want you to experience as you read my work. And I tried to describe what I want my writing experience to be.

With that in mind, I want you to know these things.

What you’ll find in my stories

Yes to these:

  • Always Romance
  • Delightful, closed-door stories with a Happily Ever Afters
  • Conflict that brings growth in the characters and in the relationships
  • Female characters who are strong or who grow into confidence and capability
  • At the end, a loving, respectful relationship
  • Swoony kisses
  • In a marriage, there may be an acknowledgement (undescribed) of physical intimacy.
  • Perhaps some mild action and violence.
  • Some mention of drinking if it is historically accurate
  • Well-researched detail
  • Literary style
  • PG to very mild PG-13 levels of heat

What you won’t find

No to these:

  • Sex scenes on the page, or acknowledged between unmarried characters
  • Descriptions of erotic touching, arousal, or tongues in kissing
  • Descriptions of nudity
  • Crude humor or commentary
  • Swearing
  • Gratuitous violence

I’m here for all the feels and all the delightful entertainment. I hope you’ll join me.