Which, of course, is just another name for writer’s block. There are so many blogs out there. It is easy to think/say, “What do I have to say? What do I have to say weekly? And the ever discouraging, why would anyone read it?”

However, I just read a blog post at glamorousglitter.co.za  This blogger wrote about how you don’t have to have a niche to write a blog. Well, I have, if not a niche, at least a general (and I admit, broad) topic that I want to continue to explore–writing/reading/publishing. However, I wander a little sometimes, and this post made me feel okay about that. Also, my journey in reading/writing, while not from the point of view of a well-known author, is my writing and reading point of view. I am learning to be okay with that, too.

My “audience” is growing slowly, and I’m okay with that, since I am learning as I go. I can share the growing pains with those who already know me, and hopefully like me enough to be patient. That said, if I’m going to write/post on a blog, I want to add value to the lives of those who do stop and read. So, I have some questions.

Which blogs you visit regularly, or even periodically. Why do you go there? What do you like about those blogs? What do you blog about? How often?