Tag: writing romance (Page 3 of 3)

Critical Reader? I want to meet you!

It’s a commonly held belief that extensive reading improves writing. I’m not sure that’s always true. Mostly when I read, I suspend my disbelief and enter the world of the book. I ride along with the main character and just enjoy the experience. Reading is fun, and rewarding, and fabulous!

I’m not sure that kind of reading makes me a better writer, but I love it.

Photo by Blaz Photo on Unsplash

Now, when I buckle down and read critically (looking at structure, tone, character arc, plot development, etc.), reading probably improves my writing. I ask questions. How did this author build tension? What is the main character’s goal? How does the author establish that goal and build conflict? I watch to see if the beginning leads naturally to the next part, and to the next. Are there big leaps that leave me behind? Are the character’s actions consistent their personality?

Even though it’s fiction, is the world credible? Are the characters believable? Do they fit into the world?

(A little rant here. I struggle when I’m reading a historical romance and the heroine is–let’s be honest–a 21st century girl. Unless it’s a time travel novel. That regency, or Victorian lady may be forward thinking. She may be a maverick, but she still has to live with the mores and expectations of her time. Lizzie Bennett challenged and pushed against traditional feminine expectations, but she knew her world. She was an early 19th century woman).

Back now to critical reading. Are you a critical reader? Do you mentally “fix” the novels that you read? Do you have books you just cannot finish because of these kind of weaknesses.

If you are a critical reader, I really want to meet you. I want your input on my writing. I’m building a beta-reading team. If this is something that interests you , email me.

Scary Romance Short Story?

Is it possible? If you’ve read a scary romance (story, novella, or novel), please tell me the title/author, especially if it was a good story.

My local library has a yearly scary story contest. The only rule is that the piece has to be eight pages or less.

I didn’t plan to write a scary story; it’s not really in my wheelhouse, but my all my fellow writers in my writer’s group were talking about it. Many of them write fantasy, science fiction, suspense, and horror-genres that lend themselves to a little scary. But someone suggested I try a gothic romance. I haven’t been able to forget about it since. Now I have four ideas, so I’m taking a little break from my latest novel and writing a few short stories. The only problem is I’m not sure I will be able to keep any of them to less than eight pages. So watch for a gothic story from me here on the site in October.

And, I’d love to read your scary story. If you’d like, I’ll post it here. Embrace the season with me and let’s all challenge ourselves to try something new!

Photo by Georgi Kalaydzhiev on Unsplash

Coming Your Way

person holding white ceramci be happy painted mug
Photo by Lisa Fotios on Pexels.com

I’m in the middle of writing a new novel/novella to give to readers who sign up for my Love Notes. I realize that hose of you who already have subscribed have received my short story, One Stormy Day. Though technology isn’t my first language (or second or third), I will figure out a way to get this new free book to you. My plan is to have it ready to share in July, 2022!

Let me tell you about it. We could call this a teaser. The working title is An Honorable Man. (I’m trying to decide if that will change or not). Set in 1792, this is a prequel to Amelia’s book, The Lies We Tell. I tell the story of Amelia’s mother, Cecily and how she meets and falls in love with Mr. Hatton. It is also, and I don’t think this is a spoiler, a little bit of a reverse Pygmalion story. Who doesn’t love a makeover?

I also have another stand-along spin-off novella percolating in the back of my mind. I told myself I had the final novel, The Masks We Wear and this Prequel, and that would be the last of the Illusions Series, but in The Masks We Wear, I met Madeleine. She has a story. What happens to bring a young French woman to work with the British against Napoleon’s government?

I also have two or three more short stories (Mercy, Patience, Caroline) that want to be born. So watch for lots of free romance in the next few months. Because Love Is The Key.

Minor Characters Speak Up

Everyone has a story

One of the things about writing a novel, at least if you are a ‘pantser’ like I am, is that get to know unexpected characters. I have become quite fond of some of the minor characters in my novels.

Photo by Jaredd Craig on Unsplash

After writing the first novel in the Illusions series, (The Secrets We Keep) I found that I really liked Liza’s best friend. So I decided to explore Maris Davies’ life. I planed to write a short story, one I could give away for free here on my site. To my surprise, Maris didn’t seem satisfied to be the main character in a short story. Her romance grew and grew until it became a novella–Smoke and Shadows, available on Amazon (only .99 Kindle download or free on Kindle Unlimited).

I finished Maris story, fell in love with Philip. Then I went back to writing The Lies We Tell, the second Illusions novel, (now available on Amazon). I really enjoyed writing Amelia and Mr. Michael Jones’ story. The writing just flowed. It felt good. (And once again I met some interesting minor characters).

To my surprise, one of those characters again demanded her own story. I just couldn’t leave Lady Helen disgraced and discouraged. So, another Illusions novella came to be. This is Veiled In Mist. Now available on Amazon.

Certainly now it was time for me to buckle down and finish the third and final (full length) novel in the Illusions series, The Masks We Wear (planned May 2022 release.). This is the story of Sidonie and Lieutenant Alexander James. I’m loving her personality and her adventures. I can’t wait to share them with you.

Except we can’t forget Susan, Liza’s faithful and resourceful maid from the first book. Liza couldn’t have found her answers and her happily ever after without Susan’s help. she sat at the back of my mind begging for some respect, time, and a little romance. Surely servants deserve a some romance. I know I’m not the only one who was charmed by Anna Smith and John Bates’ romance in Downton Abby? (Not Regency era, but still).

I thought about and wondered what would Regency England would look like for Susan. I had to write One Stormy Day, which is free when you subscribe.

Even though I’m editing like crazy this week, I couldn’t stop thinking about Joie and her meddling. She had a little role in getting Helen and Mr. David Jones together. I think she liked it. So, watch this week for a very short (experimental first time with flash fiction–1000 words or less) story where Joie creates another plot.

If you haven’t yet, sign up for my newsletter! I’ll be sending out a note this week to tell you where to get my experimental flash. This is also where you’ll receive notification of the release of my new books, appearances, and the free stories (some characters demand it), deleted scenes, cover art, or drawings.

Spend Some Time With Me In the Regency Era

Mad King George III was deemed unfit to rule Britain in 1811, and his son took over as prince regent. Then when George III died in 1820, the regent became King George IV. So technically, the Regency only lasted nine years.

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Culturally, however, what we consider the Regency Era spans a longer time period, from about 1795 during the French Revolution (in my mind I see images of that horrifying guillotine) to 1837, when Queen Victoria took the throne. The Regency was more than a change in royalty. It marked the end of the Georgian’s more pious, reserved society. The Prince Regent, being so very different from his father, was kept entirely removed from politics and the military. He channeled his energy into other pursuits, and it showed.

This period saw huge changes in politics, societal structure, and science–this was the beginning of the industrial revolution–but also huge changes in culture, architecture, art, literature, and fashions (the hooped skirts and powdered hair of the Georgian age gave way to the ‘classical’ high waisted dresses of the Regency). In many ways it was a period of cultural refinement, elegance and extravagance—a frivolous and ostentatious age.

And opposite the excesses of the rich was a horrible, crushing poverty and squalor. Gambling, drinking, thievery, and prostitution were rampant in the rookeries of London.

To give you some idea of what was happening, here are some Regency events:

  • The end of the French revolution (May 5, 1789 – Nov 9, 1799)
  • The Napoleonic wars (May 18, 1803 – Nov 20, 1815), which provide the background to my Illusions series
  • The war of 1812 (British impressing American sailors)
  • First vaccinations against smallpox
  • Lewis and Clark expedition

Some names you might recognize:

  • Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington (defeated Napoleon at Waterloo)
  • Jane Austen, obviously
  • Lord Byron, Coleridge, Wordsworth, Keats, Shelley (Percy Bysshe), William Blake–those romantic poets
  • Mary Shelley and her Frankenstein
  • Mozart and Beethoven
  • Mary Wollstonecraft writing about A Vindication of the Rights of Women
  • William Wilberforce and the other social reformers of the Clapham Sect (I love the movie Amazing Grace about these people).

Though the cultural/social restrictions for women were still very real, during the regency women began to challenge old preconceptions and conventional thinking. It’s part of what makes Jane Austen so current even today. Change was everywhere. Exciting things happen in those in-between times. It sparks my imagination and gives me some latitude when creating my brave, strong female characters.

Join me for a little time in the Regency Era! I believe you will love it.

What ever happened to “the morning call?”

I type this as I sit on my couch, in my pajamas and with my hair scooped up in a messy bunch (I can’t even call it a bun–that would suggest a style). I am doing one more run through my novella, Smoke and Shadows, before I send it to the editor and load it to Amazon (for free) sometime in the next week or so. I’m comfortable and I’m being productive. This is good, right?

Warning! This is real.

But I’m a little nervous that someone will come to the door. I’m deep in my regency world–Who’s starting those fires, and when did Philip become so attractive?–and then suddenly the thought sneaks in, “I really should go get dressed and do my hair. Or maybe I should even put some makeup on. I just know someone is going to come to the door.” You may think that’s not such a big deal, but this is the beginning of a very serious, slippery slope. I may notice as I do my hair that I should start some laundry, and why don’t I just organize my closet while I’m here? And why do I still have this skirt? These thoughts are not conducive to writing.

And then I write in my story about the morning call my character receives. Regency families scheduled one or two days a week where they were “home to callers.” From say 11:00 in the morning until maybe two or three, a lady (or gentleman/family) accepted visits from her neighbors and those who wanted to make or further her acquaintance. This assumed that she wanted to visit with the person who sent in their card (name, direction, read this as address). If she didn’t feel comfortable making or furthering an acquaintance, her servant could tell the “caller” that she was not “at home to visitors.”


When a caller was invited in, the rules of the visit were set. It should be at least fifteen minutes, but no longer than thirty. There were accepted topics of conversation, and everyone knew what they were–avoid talking about things that are too personal, no gossiping. and be pleasant.

Of course it wouldn’t work for me. First–no servant. Second–I am not so organized that I would feel comfortable saying, as an example, every Wednesday from 11-2, I will be home to callers. What if things are really going well with the writing? I don’t want to see people then. What if one of my children or a neighbor calls and I need to be with them? What if I just don’t want to change out of my pajamas? (see scary picture above). Third–I’m not a formal person. I like to visit. (I tend to prefer to visit with one or a few, rather than attend a party of many people), but when I’m getting to know someone or spending time with a friend, I can’t imagine limiting a visit to half an hour. How can you really get to know someone or continue to build a relationship in half-hour increments? (And sometimes I get personal).

No.I’ll just have to discipline myself to sit here on this couch in my pajamas, bad hair, no make-up state and write/edit. And hope everyone is “calling” on someone else this afternoon.

Why A Romance Novel?

I have finished my first Regency romance novel!!!

focused photo of a red rose
image by Jamie Street @Jamie452

This is a huge accomplishment for me. I haven’t sold it yet; I’m working on the query letter and research about agents and such. But the novel is complete. Alpha and Beta readers have had their say. The editor is at work.

I just want to go back two paragraphs now. Me write a Regency romance novel? Yes, yes I have. The truth is I was raised on a steady diet (provided by my mom) of romance novels. Back in the day (unnamed years ago), most romance novels were what we, today, call Clean or Sweet. Read that as the writers didn’t include sex scenes. And my mom, my sister, and I read them voraciously.

Now, some people in some circles might look down on the humble romance novel (even though it is one of the highest selling genres). I have a degree in English and I’ve spent quite a bit of time in those circles. I even love those circles and a good discussion about the literature favored in those circles. But I also love a good romance. I love the “Love Conquers All” theme. I love the search for connection, for belonging, for intimacy (since we’re talking “sweet” here, I’m talking emotional intimacy in this post). I love the struggle and bumps along the way. I just love romance.

One of my favorite things to ask people that I’m just getting to know is, “how did you meet?” Everyone’s process of meeting and falling in love seems a miracle to me. I love to hear about people’s romances.

Even though I have written a fantasy novel, which is in need of a complete rewrite, it is as much a romance as a fantasy. I have also written three children’s books–not romances, and after seven children, I like that too. But I have found a real comfort and familiarity while writing my romance novel. And the second one in the series, which is half-way written feels the same. Finding “my voice” just didn’t seem as difficult.

Exploring trust and vulnerability, trying to capture the growth of a protagonist as she opens her heart to love, following two people who struggle, and make mistakes, and compromise is exilerating.

So for the next little while I will probably be writing about my writing–my romance writing–and about the value of a good romance novel.

So tell me, how did you meet your love?

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