Tag: regency romance (Page 2 of 3)

Authoring Updated–More Romance For You

For years I thought I could write a book, and that someday I would. Off and on through the years, I thought about it, even wrote down a few ideas.

Then, I turned fifty. That was a shock!

Fifty year old me. It scared me a little to realize so much time had passed.

I realized that if I kept telling myself that “someday” I would and not actually doing something about it, chances were good I would find myself at seventy still saying, “Someday I will write a book.” So I buckled down and wrote a book. It was a fantasy novel, and it wasn’t very good, but I finished it. I learned so much from the writing. I was so proud of myself. And then I “archived” that book. Maybe in the future I’ll revive it and fix it, but for now, it’s hidden away.

Then Covid and quarantine happened. I spent a lot of time reading and thinking.

One day, I thought, “I could actually have something to show at the end of this crazy time if I start now.” I rethought my genre and started writing. I found my voice in romance–historical romance. I wrote a book. I don’t want to brag, but this one was good. Others who read it liked it enough to encourage me. So I put it through editing and published it. I wrote another, and another, (I’m working on my eighth book). I have found a new life.

During Covid, I became an author.

But marketing? I didn’t think about that. The authoring update comes now. Now that I have a series of books published, I have finally taken the time to read, research, listen to podcasts, and talk to other authors about how to find and get my work into the hands of more readers. Some methods are just not going to work for me, but I can write more.

So, this is my new plan: For every series, I will write a prequel and give it away free. For every book I write, I will also write a bonus scene or story so my readers have a little something extra after they read the novel.

This means that in addition to getting my new series ready to publish, I am going back and writing a prequel to my Illusions series. (That series begins with The Secrets We Keep).

The prequel (Under a Honeyed Moon) is almost complete, and I love Evie and Cam’s story. I can’t wait for you to read it!

I also now have all but one bonus story/scene for each of the five books in the Illusions series.

And I’m writing the prequel, some call it a freequel, to my new Love and Honor Series. (Book one is An Honorable Man).

When the prequel is complete (A Match for Minna or Minna and the Miser, which do you think is better?) Either way, when it’s finished I’ll publish the first book (shown below), which is ready and waiting.

Book One in the Love and Honor Series

Book three of the Love and Honor Series is a third of the way written. (I know. You’re asking, where is book two? Well, I’m still thinking about it).

Anyway, this is just to tell you that I have been writing and have a lot of new romance for you. I’m excited to move forward, and I’m really excited to share more love stories with you.

New on YouTube–Regency Romance

Introducing my new novel writing adventure

Your suggestions are guiding the story

When an author, in any genre, writes a first draft, it often starts with messy, half-formed ideas, and the outcome needs a lot of work. To write that draft with an audience is terrifying, but that’s what I’m doing?

Photo by Aman Upadhyay on Unsplash

I’m not only writing this regency romance in front of an audience, I’m writing it according to feedback and suggestions from that audience. Week by week, I read comments from those who listen to the previous week’s story. Then I’m writing the next section for your listening pleasure.

Every weekend, I upload a video where I read the week’s writing. I am anxious, not knowing beforehand exactly where we’ll go. But I am also excited. I’m challenged, and I am learning new things, improving my craft, and talking with my readers. It’s scary fun.

So, welcome to my new writing adventure. Join me on YouTube at Gigi Lynn for romance. I’ve put up two “episodes” so far. Listen and tell me what you think should happen next.

Would You Like To Collaborate On An Epistolary Romance?

blog post to suggest an idea
Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

Recently I played a game. I asked followers on social media to choose the romance trope of my next novel. (You chose unrequited love).

I began writing right away, even though I’m working on another Romance, Under a Honeyed Moon, as well. Yes, it is a challenge to write two novels concurrently, but I’m excited about it.

I had so much fun talking with you about possible tropes that I want to try something new. I will read the first part of this novel on my new YouTube channel:

Gigi Lynn for romance

As I contemplated this kind of collaboration, I decided it would be best–and fun too–to tell the story through letters. An epistolary novel. Corinna, who is a minor character in An Honorable Man, is writing to her best friend, Honora (Nora). She is also writing to a gentleman in Paris about some research he has done. Now, you must know, a lady does not correspond with a man to whom she is not engaged. Corinna circumvents this convention by using her brother’s name. After all, the gentleman is in Paris. He will never find out.


If you are interested, I will read the entire novel as I go along. Through the process, we can discuss it. I would love your input–your ideas about what should happen next. We could write this novel together. (I’ll start reading the end of this week and post every week or two. If there’s enough interest, I’ll keep posting until we have our Happily Every After.

Inspiration image via Dall i

We can discuss the development of the novel on the site. I added a discussion board to the menu at the top of the page. Additionally, I do have a facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/gigi.lynn8

So, who is in for the adventure of writing a new novel with me? I can’t wait!

P.S. An Honorable Man is at the editor. I plan to release this sweet regency romance in March. Get ready to curl up by the fire and join impoverished Lady Ballantyne (Cecily) and wealthy common man, Mr. Hatton as they help each other right into love. (If you’d like to be an ARC reader, I will send a sign-up form in my next love note (newsletter).

My new romance novel, Under a Honeyed Moon is almost finished! It has Cinderella and Forced Marriage Tropes and is so, so fun. Lord Camden (Cam) and Lady Evelyn (Evie) are a delight. I hope to have it ready for an April/May release.

Blurb For My New Regency Romance

For Blog to show celbration
Celebrate my new romance with me.
Photo by DESIGNECOLOGIST on Unsplash

A new regency romance for you to read, An Honorable Man is with the editor! After that, it will spend a couple of weeks with ARC readers. ARC readers, as you probably know, receive a free copy of the novel with the understanding that they will read it in a timely manner and leave an honest review, for me on Amazon and Goodreads.

I plan to release this regency romance novel to the public in February.

Let me share the back of the book Blurb with you:

Beginning of blurb– Nobility and Honor are not always the same . . .
Lady Cecily Ballantyne is beautiful, refined, and . . . days away from being evicted. How can an impoverished, noble widow support her five-year-old daughter?

Mr. Nyles J. Hatton is successful, wealthy, and . . . common. He wants the impossible—to move into the exclusive sphere of the nobility.

But when Mr. Hatton overhears Lady Cecily ask a titled gentleman for help finding work, he proposes a better idea, the perfect bargain. Lady Ballantyne will transform Mr. Hatton so he can move among the ton, and he will provide a safe home for her and her daughter and position for which she is uniquely suited.

But what if she finds his rough honesty tempting? What if he finds her graceful courage irresistible? And who is it that threatens Cecily, determined to stop both her and Mr. Hatton from entering into society? –End of Blurb

What do you think? Are you ready to settle in with Cecily as she “makes over” Mr. Hatton?

Cover Reveal coming soon!

Three New Romances In the Month of November

Writing Romance–Fast

I tried something new and challenging in my Romance Writing life in November (Challenging myself is becoming a theme).

Photo by Abdul Gani M on Unsplash

You probably have never heard of Nanowrimo, but for the last few years, I’ve been wanting to try it. Nanowrimo stands for National Novel Writing Month. This world-wide event is held every November–Yes, I’m sorry to say, it is in November.

When an author or aspiring author signs up for Nanowrimo, they accept the challenge to begin a new novel on November 1, and try to write 50,000 words by the end of the month. The idea is that by the end of the month, you will have finished a short novel. Think of it–a new romance novel in one month!

I want to tell you about my month long experience. First, let me say, I did not cheat. I planned start a brand new novel that has been percolating in the back of my mind for the last few months. The main character of this first in a new series is Angelica, or Angel as her family calls her, so I’ll use Angel as the working title for now.

Though I didn’t cheat, I also didn’t follow the rules exactly. I just could not begin Angel before I finished An Honorable Man. So, I spent the first 5-6 days finishing the last 11,000 words of this novel. I love it so much, I had a hard time moving on. I just wanted to go back and start editing so I can get it into your hands as soon as possible. But I held strong and kept writing.

So, even though I didn’t begin with the new work on November 1, I planned to write a whole new work in November. I would just start on the 6th. Then, the night before I started Angel, I had this idea for a romance novella. It came into my mind almost fully formed in terms of plotting and characters. I made a sudden departure from my plan and started writing a totally new romance novella.

This is Lady Evelyn’s story. It has some Cinderella elements and then turns into a forced marriage trope. The working title is Honeyed Moon. I worked through the bulk of the month telling the story of Evie and Cam (Lord Camden). I get chills when I think of this novella, which I do believe I will add to in editing. I think it needs to be a full length novel.

So, there I am on Thanksgiving day, surrounded by my family (all 37 of them). I’ve finished for former Work In Progress (An Honorable Man). I’ve finished the surprise Novella (Honeyed Moon). But I am still 5000 words shy of the 50,000 word mark.

So, after my family left, I went back to the original plan and began my new series with Angel and Ramsay’s story. I’m four chapters into that story.

Photo by Laura Kapfer on Unsplash

Three novels in various stages in one month. I’m astounded, and tired. Mostly, I am so excited to bring these romances to you. In a perfect world, you’ll have one in January, one in March, and one in May/June. Cross your fingers for me. I’m working furiously.

Romance: Simple and Subtle Steps in the Dance of Love

Let’s Bring Back the Look (you know the one), the Gentle Touch, the Sweet Awareness?

Now, I really love a good kissing scene. Who doesn’t? But sometimes I feel cheated when a book or movie rushes right to that kiss and even hurries on past the kiss without giving me time to appreciate the romantic journey.

Does anyone else feel like we’ve left some sweet, important, fulfilling, delightful steps in romance behind?

Photo by Hunter Newton on Unsplash

A meeting of eyes, sigh! The brush of a hand, maybe even accidentally, oh my heart. (Who doesn’t love Mr. Darcy’s hand clench after helping Lizzie into her carriage?) Such small things, except they’re not. These too are the essence of romance.

And these things aren’t just for the meet cute or start of a new relationship. These are some of the signs of continuing love. This is one way that we nurture our relationships.

Do you remember the first time a love interest looked at you with special attention? Touched you? Held your hand? Put his/her arm around you? I hope you felt that thrill. I hope you still do. And I hope that in addition to the kissing scene, you love to read, or view, the simple steps in the dance of love.

So, hold hands, give a hug–and hold on for longer. Think about a feel those little, gentle touches. Don’t miss out on these lovely, simple, treasured Romantic gestures.

Halloween Romance Novella, Anyone?

It’s a dark, stormy night, and the students at The Phoenix House are telling stories around the fire. A sudden knock at the door starts a series of events that ends in murder.

The Novella is called Veiled In Mist, and it’s free this weekend, October 7-9, 2022.

Free October 7-9

I didn’t start out to write a Halloween story, but this book book ended up being part locked-room mystery, part adventure, but as always mostly romance. And it’s a perfect October read.

I admit, of all of my books so far, this has the most darkness. The girls in the school have experienced abuse in the past. (So a little trigger warning). When they hear about the return of their tormenter, each girl has to make a choice.

Lady Helen is smart, poised, a totally admirable character. She has a strong social conscience. The only problem is that her family has been disgraced. She’s hiding away from society. Helen wants to to be part of positive changes.

The Reverend David Jones, newly appointed Vicar is the perfect match for Helen, if only she’ll allow him to get close enough to get that romance moving. But he’s determined, we might even say stubborn.

When Helen is accused of murder, they have one day to prove her innocence and to discover the power of love.

Please enjoy Veiled In Mist, my treat!

Romance Novel for .99 Cents: Book One of the Illusions Series

Now that the Illusions series is complete, I have lowered the price of book one, The Secrets We Keep to .99 cents.

Click on the Buy Here Button

For the cost of a candy bar, you can have hours of enjoyment. Or you could splurge and buy both the book and the candy bar.

This is the first romance book I ever wrote. I still love it. I love Liza’s impulsive desire to save her father and Robert. It still tickles me the trouble she gets in, but her determination is so admirable.

And Robert, just home from the war, he’s trying to rekindle a romance with his neighbor and long-time friend. Why won’t she respond in a predictable way?

I hope you enjoy this Regency, Napoleonic war era Romance. (Please leave a review so others can find this delightful clean read).

Scary Romance Short Story?

Is it possible? If you’ve read a scary romance (story, novella, or novel), please tell me the title/author, especially if it was a good story.

My local library has a yearly scary story contest. The only rule is that the piece has to be eight pages or less.

I didn’t plan to write a scary story; it’s not really in my wheelhouse, but my all my fellow writers in my writer’s group were talking about it. Many of them write fantasy, science fiction, suspense, and horror-genres that lend themselves to a little scary. But someone suggested I try a gothic romance. I haven’t been able to forget about it since. Now I have four ideas, so I’m taking a little break from my latest novel and writing a few short stories. The only problem is I’m not sure I will be able to keep any of them to less than eight pages. So watch for a gothic story from me here on the site in October.

And, I’d love to read your scary story. If you’d like, I’ll post it here. Embrace the season with me and let’s all challenge ourselves to try something new!

Photo by Georgi Kalaydzhiev on Unsplash

One Artful Ruse


Gigi Lynn

Chance will not do the work—Chance sends the breeze;
But if the pilot slumber at the helm,
The very wind that wafts us towards the port
May dash us on the shelves.—The steersman’s part is vigilance,
Blow it or rough or smooth

Walter Scott, Fortunes of Nigel


I will apologize later. If I must. But if I do nothing, Meggie will be old, maybe even twenty-five, before Mr. Gerow gathers courage to act or Meggie lets him know she cares.

How do the English continue to populate this island?

I am only her maid, but I must help. So, I search Meggie’s papers until I find one with Mr. Gerow’s name inside a heart. On the back is a sketch of his face. Also, a poem.

Sun shines in his hair of gold,

The sky in eyes so blue.

Heart yearns to speak the words so bold,

But fear holds sway anew..

It’s a bad poem, but I must work with what I have.

Billy is in the stable. I don’t share my plans with him. I only say, “Meggie must go to town this afternoon, but first you are to deliver this packet to Mr. Gerow—into his own hands. Make sure you say to him that Meggie is going to the lending library this afternoon.”

He narrows his eyes. “Are you meddling again?”

My face warms, but I lift my chin. “How can you ask?”

He mumbles, “. . . stupid plots always get me in trouble.”

“Bah! My plots are never stupide. And it’s not a plot, just a little ruse, quite harmless.”

I ignore his shaking head and insist. “The packet goes to Mr. Gerow. Then you will drive us to the library. While we look, take the cart and pick up the order at the grocer’s. It is easy. You won’t get in trouble.”

Billy grumbles but does as I ask.

How will I convince Meggie to go to the lending library? I cannot search Mr. Gerow’s room, so I write a note myself.

Miss Margaret,

It has been so long since we’ve spoken, my heart is as gray as the skies. Reading is the best balm for dreary days. I will visit the lending library this afternoon. If you were there, I would choose a book for you. You could choose one for me.

Your Servant,

Perry Gerow

Trop sucré? Yes, too sweet, but Meggie reads it and does not suspect. She sighs and decides that she needs a book. I curtsy and tell her I will make everything ready.

We arrive first as I planned. When we climb down, Meggie says to Billy, “We won’t be long.”

I wave behind Meggie’s back and point down the street.

Billy shakes his head. I fold my arms and stare. He will be sorry if he doesn’t go. He scowls and leaves.

In the library, I settle in the darkest corner next to the history books. I can watch unnoticed.

Moments later, Mr. Gerow enters and bows.

Meggie curtsies. “Mr. Gerow. I think I know of a book for you. I wonder which you will choose for me.”

Mr. Gerow blinks, confused, but he inclines his head. “A fine rainy-day game. Let me think of the perfect book.”

Meggie’s brow furrows, but he smiles. Her face clears. Her eyes light up.

I let out a relieved breath.

They wander the shelves, meeting often, sharing small, secret smiles.

At one meeting, Mr. Gerow murmurs, “Meggie, I have missed you.”

My heart leaps, but I make no sound.

“I thought you must be scandalized, because of what I . . . before.”

“No! I have the greatest respect for you. But you might think I am like those men who—”

She grasps his arm. “Never. You are nothing like them.”

His hand lifts to her cheek. “If I am welcome—”

She smiles. “You’re most welcome.”

The shopkeeper drops a box. Meggie and Mr. Gerow jump apart. I close my eyes in frustration.

After another turn around the library, Mr. Gerow offers his choice.

“Oh,” Meggie exclaims. “Mr. Wordsworth’s poems.”

He whispers, “They are not as sweet as your poem, but you might enjoy—”

 “My poem?” Her jaw drops, but she automatically reaches to take the book he holds. “What—” Their hands meet. She stops speaking and looks into his eyes.

The bell rings. Another customer enters. Blushing, Meggie pulls back.

I think of some French curses.

But Mr. Gerow does not look at the newcomer. “What have you chosen for me?” He asks.

Meggie lifts a book, bound in blue moiré with leather spine.

 “Life Of Cowper.” He reads.

I roll my eyes. What is she thinking?

Meggie looks up through her lashes. “One day at Amelia’s, you said—”

His smile is blinding. “You remembered?”

“I think about it often.” She sighs.

“As do I.”

I let out a relieved breath.

Moments later they have checked out their books. They walk out into the rain, both flushed with pleasure.

I follow in their wake, satisfied with myself and my ruse.

“I’ll see you to your carriage.” He offers his arm.

“Thank you. Billy is—” Meggie starts then looks around. “He was right here.”

“I would be honored to drive you home.”

“You are very generous.” She takes his arm then shivers.

Mr. Gerow removes his coat and wraps it around her. Carriages rumble past, but they don’t hear. They remain motionless in that half-embrace.

He lowers his head. She lifts hers.

I hold my breath.

A large carriage pulls up. The coachman yells. “Move along.”

I groan in disgust. Can’t he see what is right in front of him? The British, they have no romance.

But when I look back, Mr. Gerow and Meggie are still gazing at each other.

“Meggie,” he whispers.


I nod. It is enough.

They may still discover my ruse.

But I will not apologize.

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