Tag: new romance books

Blurb For My New Regency Romance

For Blog to show celbration
Celebrate my new romance with me.
Photo by DESIGNECOLOGIST on Unsplash

A new regency romance for you to read, An Honorable Man is with the editor! After that, it will spend a couple of weeks with ARC readers. ARC readers, as you probably know, receive a free copy of the novel with the understanding that they will read it in a timely manner and leave an honest review, for me on Amazon and Goodreads.

I plan to release this regency romance novel to the public in February.

Let me share the back of the book Blurb with you:

Beginning of blurb– Nobility and Honor are not always the same . . .
Lady Cecily Ballantyne is beautiful, refined, and . . . days away from being evicted. How can an impoverished, noble widow support her five-year-old daughter?

Mr. Nyles J. Hatton is successful, wealthy, and . . . common. He wants the impossible—to move into the exclusive sphere of the nobility.

But when Mr. Hatton overhears Lady Cecily ask a titled gentleman for help finding work, he proposes a better idea, the perfect bargain. Lady Ballantyne will transform Mr. Hatton so he can move among the ton, and he will provide a safe home for her and her daughter and position for which she is uniquely suited.

But what if she finds his rough honesty tempting? What if he finds her graceful courage irresistible? And who is it that threatens Cecily, determined to stop both her and Mr. Hatton from entering into society? –End of Blurb

What do you think? Are you ready to settle in with Cecily as she “makes over” Mr. Hatton?

Cover Reveal coming soon!

Three New Romances In the Month of November

Writing Romance–Fast

I tried something new and challenging in my Romance Writing life in November (Challenging myself is becoming a theme).

Photo by Abdul Gani M on Unsplash

You probably have never heard of Nanowrimo, but for the last few years, I’ve been wanting to try it. Nanowrimo stands for National Novel Writing Month. This world-wide event is held every November–Yes, I’m sorry to say, it is in November.

When an author or aspiring author signs up for Nanowrimo, they accept the challenge to begin a new novel on November 1, and try to write 50,000 words by the end of the month. The idea is that by the end of the month, you will have finished a short novel. Think of it–a new romance novel in one month!

I want to tell you about my month long experience. First, let me say, I did not cheat. I planned start a brand new novel that has been percolating in the back of my mind for the last few months. The main character of this first in a new series is Angelica, or Angel as her family calls her, so I’ll use Angel as the working title for now.

Though I didn’t cheat, I also didn’t follow the rules exactly. I just could not begin Angel before I finished An Honorable Man. So, I spent the first 5-6 days finishing the last 11,000 words of this novel. I love it so much, I had a hard time moving on. I just wanted to go back and start editing so I can get it into your hands as soon as possible. But I held strong and kept writing.

So, even though I didn’t begin with the new work on November 1, I planned to write a whole new work in November. I would just start on the 6th. Then, the night before I started Angel, I had this idea for a romance novella. It came into my mind almost fully formed in terms of plotting and characters. I made a sudden departure from my plan and started writing a totally new romance novella.

This is Lady Evelyn’s story. It has some Cinderella elements and then turns into a forced marriage trope. The working title is Honeyed Moon. I worked through the bulk of the month telling the story of Evie and Cam (Lord Camden). I get chills when I think of this novella, which I do believe I will add to in editing. I think it needs to be a full length novel.

So, there I am on Thanksgiving day, surrounded by my family (all 37 of them). I’ve finished for former Work In Progress (An Honorable Man). I’ve finished the surprise Novella (Honeyed Moon). But I am still 5000 words shy of the 50,000 word mark.

So, after my family left, I went back to the original plan and began my new series with Angel and Ramsay’s story. I’m four chapters into that story.

Photo by Laura Kapfer on Unsplash

Three novels in various stages in one month. I’m astounded, and tired. Mostly, I am so excited to bring these romances to you. In a perfect world, you’ll have one in January, one in March, and one in May/June. Cross your fingers for me. I’m working furiously.

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