If you have relationships, you live with thoughts of other people, always making their way through your brain. You think of your brother, your child, your friend.

Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash

“I should call my dad today,” you think. Or, “how can I help or support this person?”

I have all of that. I also have a cast of characters, imagined but real, who inhabit my space. I have the book characters I’m working on right now. I also have those from the next book. These are forefront in my writer’s brain.

But there are also the characters from the the sudden inspiration or nighttime musings. (I try to write them down right away or they can get lost. And that’s a sad, sad thing). I tell myself I will write their story soon, or someday.

Now that I am moving into the mult-genre romance space, it’s getting pretty crowded up there. I have more than 24 historical romances in various stages of planning, from niggling idea, to concept, to basic plotting.

But now I have more than a dozen historical fantasy romance main characters that have moved in.

Contemporary romance? Yes. They too are making an appearance.

I hope, like me, you love romances of all different kind–All clean, all with Happily Ever Afters, but set in different times, and settings, and worlds. Because these people in my mind are clamoring to get out!