A while ago I read a book by Deborah Tannen entitled, You Just Don’t Understand: Women and Men in Conversation. She explored/researched the different ways men and women communicate. In communication, as in many other ways, we truly are from different cultures. Funny as it seems, this book actually helped me understand my conversations with my mother more than with my husband or other men.
I’ve decided to join the twenty-first century. That means that I have a smart phone; I have dabbled in social media (still experimenting), and now I am beginning a blog. It took more time to choose a title than it will take to write my first post. I wanted a title that reflected my aspirations to be an author, but “Aspiring Author” was not available. And though most of my posts will be about writing–inspiration, discussion, hints–the truth is that my interests are varied. I have a ‘day-job’ that I find fascinating. I will probably write about that sometimes. I have very strong avoidance skills that coincide with my varied interests, so sometimes I will probably write about what I do when I should be writing but am not (thrifting, quilting, reading, learning new things). Like writing, I think this blog will be an exciting learning experience. Please, join me.