How did you meet? What happened next? How is your love different and stronger because of what you have endured (or are enduring) together? How do you keep your romance alive and vibrant? I always ask. I can’t help but collect and create love stories, both fictional and real. They add richness and meaning to life.

Along with collecting others’ love stories, I write historical romance novels, novellas, and short stories–clean, sweet, delightful celebrations of the power of love to change, to heal, to renew, and open our eyes to astonishing beauty. I believe in love. It is sometimes filled with frustration and agony, but it is always the answer to every problem. No story or life is complete without love.

Every English major, I suspect, has a desire to write. My secret desire waited for quite a while as I fulfilled other dreams. Moving my writing from dream to reality has been exhilarating, challenging, a little frightening, but oh so fulfilling. It is its own love story. I hope my writing helps to bring you some of those same emotions and experiences.

Because everyone needs a little more romance in their life, I invite you to join my email list for free stories, sneak previews, and the occasional update or announcement.

Or contact me. We’ll talk about romance, writing or reading. Or we could talk about renovating, decorating or quilting. Family joys and challenges. And always we can talk about love and beauty.

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